Future Farmers of America Honors and Awards

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The Future Farmers of America (FFA), founded in 1928 by a young farmers group, advances agricultural education and related professions such as veterinary medicine and teaching as well as entrepreneurship. FFA prioritizes young farmers' interests by identifying their talents, providing hands-on experience, and fostering leadership skills to address industry challenges. Each year, the organization recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the sector.

The Honorary American FFA Degree recognizes individuals who have greatly influenced agricultural education, national agriculture, or the FFA organization itself. These individuals include educators who create tailored programs to promote student success and foster a passion for agriculture. The recipients also include others who have improved agricultural practices and advocated for beneficial sector policies.

The FFA grants the Distinguished Service Citation to businesses, agencies, and establishments that have contributed to and impacted the National FFA and related agricultural organizations such as the National Association of Supervisors of Agricultural Education (NASAE). A similar honor, the VIP Citation, recognizes individuals who have served the FFA and national agriculture education for 20 years. The organization honors these individuals' pivotal role in providing exceptional experiences to its members.

The Agricultural Proficiency Awards exemplify FFA's commitment to equipping young farmers with the skills and knowledge necessary to address the challenges of feeding a growing population. The organization presents this award at the local, state, and national levels to members who have completed Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), which aims to enhance their knowledge and practical skills in agriculture.

The proficiency honors touch four areas. The first award is for those with SAEs related to agribusinesses, apprenticeships, or similar entities. Second, FFA gives the Entrepreneurship Proficiency Award to those who own agriculture-related businesses. The Combined Proficiency Award is for those who have engaged in entrepreneurship, internships, or volunteer work. Lastly, the Agriscience Research Proficiency Award honors those in agriculturally based scientific research.

FFA reserves the American Star awards for the “best of the best,” recognizing members who have mastered skills in areas such as research, production, and management. These individuals have participated in SAE, served their communities, and overcome obstacles to excel in their endeavors. The American Star Farmer Award is another category that honors members for their outstanding achievement and top production in agriculture SAE. When shortlisting candidates, judges evaluate applications and select four finalists in each category. The 16 finalists then compete for the awards, which the FFA announces during the National FFA Convention & Expo.

The American FFA Degree is another honor that FFA awards to members who demonstrate dedication and outstanding performance in their SAE and chapter programs. FFA chapters allow students to learn about agriculture, gain practical experience, develop leadership skills, and promote career success and personal growth. The organization awards chapters at state and national levels.

At the state level, FFA offers the Superior Chapter Award to chapters that meet the minimum criteria in the National Chapter Quality Standards. The award qualifies recipients for the bronze, silver, and gold awards, which judges determine using specific criteria. The top three winners of the Gold Chapter Award advance to the National Chapter Awards.